Legitimate Cash Gifting Review and Explanation of Cash Gifting Programs
So You Think You Can Handle The Truth About Cash Gifting Programs? Buckle Your Safety Belt and Put on Your Helmet Because We Are Going Where Nobody Else Can... Or Will.
This real cash gifting program review also serves as an explanation of how the most popular cash gifting structure in existence works to generate unlimited leverage. By far the most popular cash gifting program structure is the "1-up" structure. The "1-up" cash gifting structure is very popular do to it's powerful leverage and simplicity. Many newer cash gifting program that have not proven to withstand the test of time attempt to incorporate a "residual cash gifting" structure where new participants are required to send two gifts to two different people in order to join and then they also must continue to give away roughly 20% of all gifts received to the individual who invited them in. The one up cash gifting structure has never lost it's appeal because people can easily grasp the concept of giving one single gift at their level of choice and then simply passing up their first gift of the equal gift amount to their inviter and from then on out have 100% of the cash delivered straight to them from the individual who is joining.
The TLC2003 cash gifting program is a one up program formerly known as NOSSwhich stood for number one success system. This cash gifting program was great in it's early stages but the administrators of the program specifically states in the back office once you join the you must market ONLY the way they say. You are expected to buy leads that they sell you and walk people through scripts and try to get them to listen to a call which explains the program. Any program that changes it's name every few years is not a program I would recommend participating in.
The Cash Arrives 365 cash gifting program is similar to TLC2003 except they let you be a bit more creative with your marketing and have less stringent rules. They have been around for years but they do not have marketing websites or autoresponders or much of any marketing materials for new members for that matter. Most people in Cash Arrives 365 are into "old school" marketing techniques like making a list of your friends and family and doing a lot of offline marketing which is very costly and not very targeted.
The Cash Tracking System is a newer system created by ex cash gifters who decided to go their own direction and create an "improved" version of the same old 1-up system others have been based upon for years. The marketing system for the Cash Tracking System is pretty compelling but comes with a high price and is the exact same marketing system everyone else in the program gets which has no ability to be personally branded in order to stand out from the crowd. The Cash Tracking System also has monthly fees in order to get access to training materials which is a big no no with cash gifting. Ongoing monthly fees for a gifting program just do not make for a fair system. Also the administration fee is high by industry standards and the highest level is $3,500 as where others go up to $10,000 with the same structure.
The People's Program is a "residual" cash gifting program that is far more hip than many others what with their flashy websites and marketing materials and also a low administration fee makes it an appealing cash gifting program. The downside of the peoples program is that you have to give away roughly 20% of everything you ever receive to your inviter. This means that everyone is expected to send off two gifts just to join and then part with a large lump some of all future gifts. Also with this type of gifting structure has a major flaw in that people can simply create 2 accounts and cut out their sponsor which unfortunately is not an uncommon event.
Perfect Gift Plan is a new cash gifting program nothing far too different than many others just a new name and database created by more savvy programmers and marketers who put their heads together and created their own cash gifting program. Not much is known about the Perfect Gift Plan but one thing is for sure about any brand new program and that is they typically do not last more than a year or two before they lose their "prelaunch" appeal and participants begin to look elsewhere for something with more of a solid history that has proven itself through the test of time.
The Good News Society is a cash gifting program that barely exists online and is another newer program that has very corporate feeling websites with no personal branding options for its participants. Everyone is given the same website but with their own unique code that give people credit when someone joins via their version of the replicated website system.
Magnetic Cash Gifting System is a pretty unique program that provides members with marketing websites and promotional tools to help participants market the program online. They don't have an administration fee which is nice but the administrator can be very hard to get a hold of if you need support with anything technical. They have a system in place for members that is pretty compelling and does a decent job explaining how things work. The biggest downside to this cash gifting program is the lack of presence of administrators and the fact that the websites they provide cannot be branded to individual members.
Spirit of Wealth cash gifting otherwise known as SOWTODAY has been around for a few years and they use a third party tracking software that keeps track of gifts received by new members and have some marketing training in the back office of the program. Spirit of Wealth was created by some renegade marketers who were once with TLC2003 but wanted to be able to market in various ways that were deemed unacceptable by TLC2003. The Spirit of Wealth cash gifting program is not a bad system but they do not have websites ready and available to members and people are expected to be extremely creative on how they find and invite new potential participants.
Residual Cash Forever is barely worth mentioning but technically it is a cash gifting program that was created with the "residual" structure similar to the Peoples Program but they have a 10% administration fee on ALL gifts received. Great concept if you are the administrator but given the equality and fairness provided by many other systems in the cash gifting niche Residual Cash Forever pretty much came and went within a matter of a few short months.
EZY Cash Gifts is a cash gifting program that is very low ticket meaning it is a nickel and dime program with a super low entry point and is based on the concept of it being appealing to the masses because of it's low entry levels. This is great looking from the outside but anyone who is serious about generating cash with a cash gifting program that is likely to follow through to the point where they begin to receive gifts of cash will not likely be the type of person interested in such a low tier program. This program is another example of a savvy group of programmers who are attempting to capitalize on the gifting trend by creating what they consider a "better" cash gifting program.
Prosperity Freedom Gateway (PFG) is a simple cash gifting program based on the bullet proof 1 up to infinity cash leveraging structure and incorporates all of the best of the best that the cash gifting niche has ever seen. Prosperity Freedom Gateway has levels that range from $500 and go all the way up to $10,000. The program provides participants with their own unique and personally branded websites that also include an autoresponder with pre-written compelling messages that follow up with prospects automatically. The program has a contact management system that allows you to easily communicate with support and your personally enrolled participants. This cash gifting program give you the ability to confirm gifts and approve new participant quickly and easily and provides all members with training videos and step by step instructions on how to get up and running within 24 to 48 hours.
This cash gifting programs review is just the tip of the iceberg of cash gifting information Dan Palleschi has to share with anyone who is genuinely serious in potentially experiencing the life changing blessings that cash gifting can deliver. After years of experience in the trenches and behind the scenes in the cash gifting community Dan Palleschi is more than qualified at the highest level in most programs mentioned above. He is also a direct response marketer who is highly profitable in various other niches in the online marketing world and takes pride in helping others above all else.
Truthfully written,
Dan Palleschi @ www.BigCashPlan.com
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